Online corpora and repositories Asia Minor

Epigraphic database for Asia Minor

The University of Hamburg has produced an epigraphic database, in which all Greek and Latin inscriptions of several different regions from ancient Asia Minor are collected. You can search in various ways: site, type of inscriptions, keywords (also in commentaries). Since 2002 the emphasis is on Galatia.

MAMA images:


Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) XI, contains inscriptions (texts and photgraphs) and other ancient monuments from Phrygia and Lykaonia, recorded by William Calder  Michael Ballance in the 1950’s, including indices,  (Greek and Latin words, names) & up-to-date bibliography


The inscriptions of Aphrodisias  are now available in a new electronic edition by Joyce Reynolds, Charlotte Roueché and Gabriel Bodar: IAph2007.

In 2004 Charlotte Roueché  re-published her corpus  Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity in an electronic format: ALA2004.


This website offers a preliminary presentation of the results of three survey campaigns conducted in Boubon and its territory in 2004-2006 as part of the Cibyratis Project of the University of Heidelberg under the direction of Thomas Corsten in collaboration with Christina Kokkinia of the Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity (ΚΕRΑ) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens (NHRF/ΕΙΕ). It includes a corpus of the inscriptions found in Boubon and its territory, 15 of which are published here for the first time. 

Magnesia ad Maeandrum

A PDF version of O.  Kern Inschriften von Magnesia: – page/n37/mode/2up

Nemrud Dag

The International Nemrud Foundation has made available texts, photos and translations of the Nomos inscriptions on the West and East-terraces.


The DAI makes available for download as PDF a number of publications of inscriptions from Pergamon that were not included in I.Pergamon. The majority was published in AM 1899-1913, but other publications are also included. 

For online access to the old volumes by Fraenkel:


Corpus der griechischen Inschriften Lykiens, Supplement

Supplement to TAM in preparation by the Kommission für Alte Geschiche und Epigraphik 


The Canadian excavators of the site of Xanthos-Letoon have a site with photographs of  the inscriptions from the excavations. (There are references allowing for easy retrieval of the original publication of the text).


J. Sitlington Sterrett An Epigraphical Journey into Asia Minor  during the Summer of 1884 = Papers of the American School of Classics at Athens, vol ii. (1888)

J. Sitlington Sterrett The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor = Papers of the American School of Classics at Athens, vol iii (1888)