Bulletin épigraphique

This important yearly survey of Greek epigraphic publications has been published in Revue des Études Grecques since the 1880’s. From 1938 to 1984 it was published by Jeanne and Louis Robert, since then by a larger team of mainly French specialists. It does not reproduce the integral texts, but is indispensable for its comments and wide coverage. The issues up to 2001 have been published in book-form by Les Belles Lettres (Paris).


You can consult BE online up to 2019 via Persée in Revue des Études Grecques. The PDF versions are searchable – which allows you to scan for French words. Greek words are not easily retrieved in this way. For these you should consult the index volumes. 

As of 2017 BE comes with an index for Greek words, French words and a Concordance with earlier publications. For an overview see this page at the site of Anhima, Paris.  A comprehensiove online index is apparently under way. 

For the years 1938-1984 the indices were published in separate volumes by Les Belles Lettres 1938-1977 : Index du Bulletin épigraphique de J. et L. Robert, par l’Institut Fernand Courby, puis par J. Marcillet-Jaubert et A.-M. Vérilhac, 5 vol., Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1973-1983 (volumes épuisés) ;

1978-1984 : Index du Bulletin épigraphique de J. et L. Robert, par J. Marcillet-Jaubert, A.M. Vérilhac, Cl. Vial et D. Rousset, Les Belles Lettres. Paris, 2010.  

An index to the volumes 1987-2001 was published for KERA (The Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquities at the National Research Foundation in Athens) Index du Bulletin épigraphique (1987-2001), sous la direction de M. H. Hatzopoulos, par S. Aneziri, N. Giannakopoulos et alii, 3 vol. (Meletèmata, 43, 1, 2 et 3), Paris, Athènes, Association des études grecques, Centre de recherches sur l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Diffusion De Boccard, 2005-2006. Accessible in open access: PublicationsGreek words, and French words.