The epigraphy of Attica
It can be complicated to find your way around the inscriptions from Attica. You will find here the most important publications (scroll down)
NB IG Online – Editions of latest IG volumes with translations – Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO) has many translations and links of Attic inscriptions (see below)
For an online version of the texts in Attic corpora and other publications see the Packard Humanities Site
CIG – Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum
CIG I, [1-302] Pars I., Tituli antiquissima scripturae forma insigniores. Pars II., Inscriptiones Atticae
CIG I, [303-1792 + addenda and corrigenda] Pars II., Inscriptiones Atticae [303-1040]. Pars III., Inscriptiones Megaricae. Pars IV., Inscriptiones Peloponnesiacae. Pars V., Inscriptiones Boeoticae. Pars VI., Inscriptiones Phocicae, Locricae, Thessalicae
IG- Inscriptiones Graecae
The Inscriptiones Graecae is the successor to CIG. It aims to collect all inscriptions found in Greece and on the Greek Islands. It was started under the aegis of the Berlin Academy in 1860 and is still ongoing. Previous editors have included A.Kirchhoff, U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorf. The texts are provided with an editorial text in Latin. The early volumes were known by other names (CIA, CIGPel, CIGS) until they were taken up by von Wilamowitz in the series IG from 1903 onwards.
IG I was originally known as Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum I (with a supplement in CIA IV,1).
The inscriptions up to 403/2 BCE:
IG I (= CIA I) Inscriptiones Atticae anno Euclidis vetustiores. Edid. Adolphus Kirchhoff. Addita est tabula geographica conspectum civitatum societatis Deliae exhibens. (Berlin, 1873). With supplements from 1877-1903.
IG I s
Vol. I Supplementa. Edid. Adolphus Kirchhoff. (Berlin, 1877, 1887, 1891).
Vol. I (ed. altera) Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. Ed. Fridericus Hiller de Gaertringen. (Berlin, 1924).
Vol. I (ed. tertia) Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores. In three volumes 1981-1998.
IG I³, 1 = Fasc. 1. Decreta et tabulae magistratuum. Edid. David Lewis. (Berlin, 1981).
IG I³, 2 = Fasc. 2. Dedicationes, catalogi, termini, tituli sepulcrales, varia, tituli Attici extra Atticam reperti, addenda. Edid. David Lewis et Lilian Jeffery adiuvante Eberhard Erxleben. (Berlin, 1994).
IG I³, 3 = Fasc. 3. Indices. Compos. David Lewis, Eberhard Erxleben, Klaus Hallof. (Berlin, 1998).
IG I³ Digital edition
IG I³ 1 and 2 have been taken up in the digital edition, offering texts and translations, but no lemmas or commentaries.
The inscriptions from 403/2- reign of Augustus
IG II (= CIA II) Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora. Edid. Ulricus Koehler. In 5 parts , 1877-1895.
NB This was originally known as Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum II (with a supplement in CIA IV,2)
IG II, i = Pars I. Decreta continens. – IV, 429 pp. (Berlin, 1877).
IG II, ii = Pars II. Tabulas magistratuum, catalogos nominum, instrumenta iuris privati continens. – IV, 540 pp. (1883). (on-line)
IG II, iii = Pars III. Dedicationes, titulos honorarios, statuarum subscriptiones, titulos artificum, titulos sacros, inscriptiones ararum, oracula, similia, titulos sepulcrales continens. (Berlin, 1888). (On-line: an alternative link here)
IG II, iv = Pars IV. Indices continens. Compos. Johannes Kirchner. (Berlin, 1893). (on-line, an alternative link here)
IG II, v = Pars V. Supplementa. – VIII, 350 pp. (Berlin, 1895).
The inscriptions of the Roman Age.
Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis Romanae. Edid. Guilelmus Dittenberger. In three volumes, 1878-1882, with an appendix in part III
IG III, i = Pars I. Decreta senatus populique Atheniensium etc. Addenda et corrigenda. Additae sunt tabulae quinque lithographicae. (Berlin, 1878). (On-line)
IG III, ii = Pars II. Tituli sepulcrales. Tituli memoriales. Fragmenta incerta. Addenda et corrigenda. Indices. (Berlin, 1882). On-Line)
IG III, iii =Pars III. Appendix inscriptionum Atticarum: Defixionum tabellae in Attica regione repertae. Edid. Ricardus Wuensch. (Berlin, 1897). (On-line)
The inscriptions from 403-the end of the Roman Empire
The volumes II and III are (partially) replaced by the second edition (AKA Editio Minor) , covering all inscriptions after 403/2 BCE.
IG II/III² (= IG II²) (ed. altera) Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Edid. Johannes Kirchner. In 4 parts (1913-1940)
Pars I. Decreta continens. (public decrees) Borrowable via
Fasc. 1. Decreta annorum 403-229 a. Chr. (Berlin, 1913).
Fasc. 2. Decreta anno 229/8 a. Chr. posteriora. Accedunt leges sacrae. (Berlin, 1916).
Pars II. Tabulas magistratuum, catalogos nominum, instrumenta iuris privati continens. (list, catalogues, leases etc.) Borrowable via
Fasc. 1. Tabulae magistratuum. (Berlin, 1927).
Fasc. 2. Catalogi nominum. Instrumenta iuris privati. (Berlin, 1931).
Pars III. Dedicationes, titulos honorarios, titulos sacros, titulos sepulcrales continens. (dedications, religious texts, honorary inscriptions, epitaphs)
Fasc. 1. Dedicationes. Tituli honorarii. Tituli sacri. (Berlin, 1935) .Borrowable via
Fasc. 2. Tituli sepulcrales. Tituli memoriales. Insunt tabulae duae. (Berlin, 1940).
Pars IV. Indices continens.
Fasc. 1. Archontum tabulae. Chronologica. Sermo publicus decretorum proprius. (Berlin, 1918).
Pars V. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Herulorum incursionem et Imp. Mauricii tempora. Edid. Ericus Sironen. (Berlin, 2008).
IG II/III³ : IG II/III is currently being replaced by a third edition
IG II³ (Edition tertia) Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores (Attic Inscriptions after the year of Eucleides), 3rd edn. Berlin 2012-.
Pars I, Leges et decreta (Laws and Decrees).
IG II/III³ 1, fasc. 2 Fasc. 2, Leges et decreta annorum 352/1-322/1 (Laws and Decrees of the years 352/1-322/1), ed. Stephen D. Lambert. (Berlin 2012). (Nos. 292-386).
IG II/III³ 1, fasc. 4 Fasc. 4. Leges et decreta annorum 300/299 – 230/29. Ed. Michael J. Osborne et Sean G. Byrne. (Berlin, 2015 ). (Nos 844-1133).
IG II/III³ 1, fasc. 5 Fasc. 5, Leges et decreta annorum 229/8-168/7 (Laws and Decrees of the Years 229/8-168/7), ed. Voula N. Bardani and Stephen V. Tracy. (Berlin, 2012). (Nos. 1135-1461).
Pars IV Dedicationes et Tituli Sacri
IG II/III³ 4, fasc. 1 Fasc. 1. Dedicationes publicae. Edid. Jaime Curbera; choregicas edid. Andronike Makres. (Berlin, 2015). (Nos 1-664).
IG II/III³ 4, fasc. 2 Fasc. 2. Dedicationes privatae. Edid. Jaime Curbera. (Berlin, 2017. (Nos 665-1739).
IG II/III³ 4, fasc. 3 Fasc. 3 Dedicationes et tituli sacri. Tituli theatri Bachi. Edid. Jaime Curbera. Indices composuerunt Jaime Curbera et Klauss Hallof. (Berlin 2019). (Nos. 1740-2029).
SIA – Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum
Oikonomides, A.N., and M.C.J. Miller. 1976. Supplementum inscriptionum Atticarum: Paraleipomena et addenda. Chicago: Ares Publishers. Borrowable via
SIA I. (IG I2, II2/III2). Paraleipomena et Addenda. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides. SIA I adds to the IG series a large number of Inscriptions (Ed. R. Wuensch, W. Peek, G. Stamiris) found in Athens and Attica before 1940, but not included in the IG series, as well as 1133 new inscriptions, readings, and restorations published between 1941 and 1957.
SIA II. (IG I2, II2/III2). Paraleipomena et Addenda. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides. (1979) SIA II contains the addenda to I.G. I2 + II/III2 that J.J.E. Hondius published in his Novae Inscriptiones Atticae and in the first three volumes of Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. This volume also includes the lengthy and Important review-article of I.G. II2, pars prima, Berlin 1913, (Ed. J. Kirchner) containing the decrees of the years 403/2-230/29, by A. C. Johnson in Classical Philology.
SIA III. (IG I2, II/III2). Paraleipomena et Addenda. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides (1979) SIA III contains texts and drawings of the ancient Jewish and Christian inscriptions of Athens and Attica which were not included in the editio minor (G. Dittenberger in IG III, C. Bayet [1878], and the monograph of A. E. Raubitschek and I. S. Craeghan [1947]).
SIA IV. (IG I2, II2/III2). Paraleipomena et Addenda. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides. (1984) SIA IV is a volume of material that the majority of the scholars have not had the opportunity to study for at least half a century. The Attic vase inscriptions and the Attic graffiti inscriptions have never been included in the IG and the IG2 series (with the small exception of a few Ostracism-Ostraca). Includes inscriptions from all the entries on inscribed vases or vase frag-ments from the work of Graef & Langlots — Die antiken Vasen von der Akropolis zu Athen (Berlin 1925-1933) — (repaginated and in their original numerical order including in-text drawings) from the volume IV in the SIA series.
SIA V (IG I2, II2/III2) Paraleipomena et Addenda. Ed. Al. N. Oikonomides. (1984) SIA V. SIA V starts with the group of the most important Attic graffiti inscriptions; the Ostraca-Ostracismi Atheniensium. SIA V closes with the text from the volume Kerameikos III (Berlin, 1941), edited by W. Peek including all the inscriptions, Graffiti inscriptions and Defixionum Tabellae.
SIA VI The Latin Inscriptions of Athens and Attica Ed by M. C. J. Miller (1992) For the first time, the Latin inscriptions (including graffiti) of this region of Greece are collected in one volume. Many major, hard-to-find articles on these inscriptions and a full concordance are included.
ATL = Athenian Tribute lists
ATL: B.D. Meritt et al. The Athenian Tribute Lists Cambridge Mass. /Princeton 1939-1953, 4 vols (Included in IG I³ 259–90).
Texts online via PHI; Texts and translations via IG online. Translations also available via Topostexts. Vol. 3 = Commentary also available online.
The inscriptions from the Athenian Agora were published in the series Athenian Agora, published by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. The volumes are all available via JSTOR and via website of the ASCA.
III: Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia – by R. E. Wycherley, (1957) gives all the ancient written references, both literary and epigraphical, to the Agora (including its environs) and its monuments.
XV: Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors – by Benjamin D. Meritt and John S. Traill, (1974) This volume presents 494 dedications either made by or honoring members of the Athenian administrative assembly (prytaneis) between 408/7 B.C. and A.D. 231/2.
XVI: Inscriptions: The Decrees – by A. Geoffrey Woodhead (1997) Edited texts, with extensive commentary, of some 344 fragments of Attic decrees dating from the mid-5th century B.C. to A.D. 203, found in excavations of the Athenian Agora before 1967, with brief notes on additional material found up to 1975.
XVII: Inscriptions: The Funerary Monuments – by Donald W. Bradeen, (1974). This volume presents the funerary inscriptions found in the Athenian Agora between 1931 and 1968. In addition, all Agora fragments of the public casualty lists known in 1971 have been included, together with fragments associated with them but found elsewhere, although the latter are not discussed in full.
XVIII: Inscriptions: The Dedicatory Monuments – by Daniel J. Geagan, (2011). This volume contains inscriptions on monuments commemorating events or victories, on statues or other representations erected to honor individuals and deities, and on votive offerings to divinities. Most are dated to between the 4th century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D., but a few survive from the Archaic and Late Roman periods. A final section contains monuments that are potentially, but not certainly, dedicatory in character, and a small number of grave markers omitted from Agora XVII. ( Only parts are available on-line for free)
XXI: Graffiti and Dipinti – by Mabel Lang. (1976). Over 3,000 informal inscriptions scratched or painted on pottery, lamps, or other clay fragments have been found in the excavations of the Athenian Agora.
XXV: Ostraka – by Mabel Lang . (1990) This book is a complete catalogue and discussion of ostraca found on the agora.
DAA – A. Raubitschek Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis. A Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth centuries B.C. With the collaboration of Lilian H. Jeffery. Cambridge (Mass.) 1949. A link to a PDF can be found here.
Συνοπτικός Κατάλογος των επιγραφών της Ακροπόλεως: Μatthaiou A. and Malouchou, G. E., Συνοπτικός Κατάλογος των επιγραφών της Ακροπόλεως, Athens , 2012. This is a concise catalogue of inscriptions kept on the Athenian Akropolis.NB ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ = publication; ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟΥ = inventory number.
Peek, Kerameikos. The inscriptions of the German Kerameikos excavations were published by Werner Peek in 1974: Inschriften, Ostraka, Fluchtafeln. (Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Augrabungen vol 3).
O.Kerameikos. In 2020 a digital edition of the ostraka was published by Stefan Brenne: Die Ostraka vom Kerameikos.
I.Eleusis :. Eleusis, the Inscriptions on Stone: Documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and Public Documents of the Deme, vol 1a b. Ed. K.Clinton. Athens: Archaeological Society at Athens 2005.
—- :Eleusis, the Inscriptions on Stone: Documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and Public Documents of the Deme, vol. II Commentary. Ed. K.Clinton. Athens: Archaeological Society at Athens 2008.
NB You can find online: vol 1a (text) and vol 1b (Photographs). A site with the photographs of the inscriptions can be found at:
AIO is a website designed to make available the inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica in English translation, beginning in 2012 with the inscribed laws and decrees of Athens, 352/1-322/1 BC, of which new texts have recently been published as IG II31, 292-572. It has links to the original Greek texts (PHI) as well as geographical links to Pleiades. They also offer one-line catalogues of Attic inscriptions in Brtish museums. Highly recommended.
I.Rhamnous: Petrakos, V. C The Demos of Rhamnous. A Synopsis of the Excavations and Researches(1813-1998) 2. The Inscriptions. (Athens 1999). can be downloaded from the website of the Archaiologike Etaireia in Athens
I.Rhamnous Suppl.: Petrakos, V.C. Ο Δήμος του Ραμνούντος. VI. Οι επιγραφές, τα χαράγματα, τα σταθμά, οι μαρτυρίες (Athens, 2020).