
Short bibliography Decrees (mainly Attica)

Corpora and collections

  •  IG I3 fasc. 1 Decreta et tabulae magistratuum ed. D.M. Lewis, Berlin 1981
    • (Decrees before 403/2 BC)
  •  IG II Pars 1 Decreta Continens ed. U. Koehler 1877 (Decrees 401/400 – reign of Augustus)
  •  IG III Pars 1 Decreta Senatus populique Athen iensium etc.  ed. Dittenberger 1877
  •  IG II-III Pars 1 Decreta  ed. J. Kirchner 1913-1940
    • fasc. 1 Decreta annorum 403-229 a,. Chr (1913)
    • fasc. 2  Decreta anno 229/8 a. Chr. posteriora. Accedunt leges sacrae. 1916
  • IG II/III3
    • Fasc. 2. Leges et decreta annorum 352/1-322/1. ed. Stephen D. Lambert. 2012
    • Fasc. 4. Leges et decreta annorum 300/200-229/8, edd. Michael J. Osborne et Sean G. Byrne. 2014
    • Fasc. 5. Leges et decreta annorum 229/8-168/7. edd. Voula N. Bardani et Stephen V. Tracy. 2012
  • Meritt, Benjamin D., and John S. Traill. Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors. The Athenian Agora ; Vol. 15.  Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1974.
  • Woodhead, A. Geoffrey. Inscriptions: The Decrees. The Athenian Agora; Vol. 16.  Princeton, NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1997.
  • Lagogianni-Georgakarakos, Maria, et al. Athenian Democracy Speaking through Its Inscriptions: Exhibition of Inscriptions from the Epigraphic Museum : Catalogue / Ed. By Maria Lagogianni-Georgakarakos, Kostas Buraselis  Athens Ypourgeio Politismou, Epigrafiko Mouseio, 2009. (very attractive illustrated edition of a numbnert of decrees kept in Epigraphic museum, with translations and comments
  • Rhodes, P J. The Greek City States: A Source Book.  London & Sidney: Croom Helm, 1986. (Translations of a number of key texts)
  • Rhodes, P. J., and Robin Osborne. Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 Bc.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. (Excellent selection of translations of later texts) An online version may be found here.


  • Allen, K. H. (2003). “Intercultural Exchanges in Fourth-Century Attic Decrees.” Classical Antiquity 22(2): 199-246.
  • Guarducci, Margherita. Epigrafia Greca II.  Roma: Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1974. 5-57 (Discussion, in Italian, with a number of examples
  • Henry, Alan S. “The Hortatory Intention in Athenian State Decrees.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 112 (1996): 105-19.
    • “The Athenian State Secretariat and Provisions for Publishing and Erecting Decrees.” Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 71, no. 1 (2002): 91-118.
    • Honours and Privileges in Athenian Decrees: The Principal Formulae of Athenian Honorary Decrees. Subsidia Epigraphica Hildesheim [etc.]: Olms, 1983.
    • The Prescripts of Athenian Decrees . Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava: Supplementum; 49.  Leiden: Brill, 1977.
  • Jones Nicholas, F. (1991). “Enrollment clauses in Greek citizenship decrees.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 87: 79-102.
  • Lambert, S.D.  Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees 352/1-322/1 BC. Epigraphical Essays. Leiden: Brill  2012. ( collects several articles published in ZPE between 2000 and 2010 as prolegomena to his edition of IG II/III(3), fasc, 2.) A link to an electronic version in an WorldCat library may be found here.
  • Lambert  S. D. (2011). What was the Point of Inscribed Honorific Decrees in Classical Athens? in: S. D. Lambert ed. Sociable Man. Essays on Ancient Greek Social Behaviour in Honour of Nick Fisher. Swansea, Classical Press of Wales: 193-214.
  • Liddel, P., “The Places of Publication of Athenian State Decrees from the 5th Century BC to the 3rd Century AD”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 143 (2003), 79-93
  • Lawton, Carol L. Attic Document Reliefs. Art and Politics in Ancient Athens.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. (Good archaeological discussion but also useful comments on the texts)
  • McLean, Bradley H. An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Alexander the Great Down to the Reign of Constantine (323 B.C.-A.D. 337).  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002. (Ch. 8 Decrees,, ch. 9 Honorific decrees, Proxeny decrees, and honorific inscriptions)
  • Rhodes, P J, and David M Lewis. The Decrees of the Greek States. Oxford: OUP, 1997. (Superb overview of the development formulae, with many abbreviated examples from outside Athens)
  • Rhodes, P. J. The Athenian Boule.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. (Authoritative discussion of all aspects of the Athenian boule, with  discussion of epigraphic practices, and overview of relevant Athenian decrees)
  • Rosen, K. (1987). Ehrendekrete, Biographie und Geschichtsschreibung. Zum Wandel der griechischen Polis im frühen Hellenismus’. in: Chiron 17 (1987), 277-292.
  • Strubbe, J. H. M. (1998). “Epigrams and consolation decrees for deceased youths.” L’Antiquité classique 67: 45-75.
  • Swoboda, Heinrich. Die Griechischen Volksbeschlüsse; Epigraphische Untersuchungen Leipzig, Teubner, 1890. (An electronic version may be found here
  • Walbank, Michael B. “Notes on Attic Decrees.” The Annual of the British School at Athens 85 (1990): 435-47.
  • Whitehead, D. (1983). “Competetive outlay and community profit: φιλοτιμ́ια  in democratic Athens.” Classica et Mediaevalia 34: 55-74.