Funerary Epigraphy

I Corpora and collections

(NB this is only a brief selection of some of the larger collections; most corpora will contain a separate section of funerary material)


  • IG I3, fasc. 2 (tituli sepulcrales up to 403). For a direct link to PHI click here.
  • IG II-III, pars iii, fasc. 2 For a direct link to PHI click here.


  • Bradeen, D. W. (1974). Inscriptions: The Funerary Monuments. Princeton, N.J., American School of Classical Studies at Athens. The Athenian Agora xvii.


  • Werner Peek in 1974: Inschriften, Ostraka, Fluchtafeln. (Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Augrabungen vol 3).


  • Koumanoudis, S. A. (1993). Αττικής επιγραφαί επιτύμβιοι. Athens [or. 1871], H ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικἠ Εταιρεία.
  • Bardanis, V. N., G. K. Papadopoulos and B. Petrakos (2006). Συμπλήρωμα των επιτύμβιων μνημείων της Αττικής [Sympliroma ton epitymvion mnimion tis Attikis]. Athinai, Archaiologiki Etaireia.
  • Jeffery, L. H. (1962). “The inscribed gravestones of archaic Attica.” Annual of the British School at Athens 57: 115-153.
  • Bradeen, D. W. (1964). “Athenian casualty lists.” Hesperia 33: 16-62.
  • Peek, W. (1954). Attische Grabschriften. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag.
    • I Eine Nachlese zum letzten Band der Inscriptiones graeca II/III2
    • II Unedierte Grabinschriften aus Athen und Attika


  • Couilloud, M.-T. (1974). Les monuments funéraires de Rhénée. Paris  [EAD XXX]


  • Fraser, P. M. (1977). Rhodian funerary monuments. Oxford. (Not a corpus, but a detailed study).


  • IGUR esp. vol 2 (prose epitaphs) and 3 (epigrams).


  • Firatli, N. (1964). Les stèles funéraires de Byzance gréco-romaine avec l’édition et les index commentés par L. Robert. Paris.


  • IK 16 (IEphesos VI)


  • Judeich, W. (1898). Inschriften. Altertümer von Hierapolis. Berlin (JDAI, Ergänzungsheft 4). (Contains a large number of epitaphs).


  • Kokkinia, C. (2000). Die Opramoas-Inschrift von Rhodiapolis : Euergetismus und soziale Elite in Lykien. Bonn, Habelt. (On the exceptional funerary monument of a wealthy benefactor).


  • TAM III.I (contains a large number of epitaphs)
  • Heberdey, R. and Wilberg (1900). “Grabbauten in Termessus in Pisidien.” Jahresheft des österreichischen archaeologischen Institutes in Wien 3: 177-213.

Funerary legislation:

  • Frisone, F. (2000). Leggi e Regolamenti Funerari nel Mondo Greco: I. Le Fonti Epigraphiche. Lecce, Universita di Lecce, Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Classica e Medioevale.

II Studies


  • Guarducci, M. (1969). Epigrafia greca II, Epigrafi di carattere pubblico Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Sato. 162-175  Epigrafi Sepolcrali pubbliche
  • Guarducci, M. (1974). Epigrafia greca III, Epigrafi di carattere privato Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Sato. P119-197 Epigrafi Sepolcrali
  • Pfohl, G. (1983). Grabinschrift I (griechische). RAC: col. 468-514.


  • Garland, R. (1989). “The well-ordered corpse: an investigation into the motives behind Greek funerary legislation.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 36: 1-15.
  • Guarducci, M. (1969). Epigrafia greca II, Epigrafi di carattere pubblico Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Sato. 162-175  Epigrafi Sepolcrali pubbliche
  • Guarducci, M. (1974). Epigrafia greca III, Epigrafi di carattere privato Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Sato. P119-197 Epigrafi Sepolcrali
  • Jones, C. (1999). “Interrupted Funerals.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 143(4): 588-600.
  • Meyer, E. A. (1993). “Epitaphs and citizenship in classical Athens.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 103: 99-121.
  • Nielsen, T. H., L. Bertrup, M. H. Hansen, L. Rubinstein and T. Vestergaard (1989). “Athenian grave monuments and social class.” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 30: 411-420.
  • Oliver, G. J. (2000). “The epigraphy of death studies in the history and society of Greece and Rome.”
  • Osborne, R. (1996). Funerary monuments, the democratic citizen, and the representation of women. démocratie athénienne et culture. M. B. Sakellariou ed. Athens: 229-242.
  • Robert, L. (1968). “Enterrements et épitaphes.” L’Antiquité Classique: 406-448 [= OMS VI, 481-124].

Monuments and archaeological context

  • Clairmont, C. W. (1995). Classical Attic tombstones. Supplementary volume. Kilchberg, Akanthus.
  • Cormack, S. (1997). Funerary monuments and mortuary practices in Roman Asia Minor. The Early Roman Empire in the East. S. Alcock. Oxford, Oxbow: 137-156.
  • Cormack, S. (2004). The Space of Death in Roman Asia Minor. Wien.
  • Fabricius, J. (1999). Die hellenistischen Totenmahlreliefs. Grabrepräsentation und Wertvorstellungen in ostgriechischen Städten. Munich, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission zur Erforschung des antiken Städtewesens; “Studien zur antiken Stadt” (P. Zanker ed.), vol. 3.
  • Fedak, J. (1990). Monumental tombs of the Hellenistic age: a study of selected tombs from the pre-classical to the early Imperial era. Toronto, Phoenix suppl. vol. 27.
  • Garland, R. (1982). “A first catalogue of Athenian peribolos tombs.” A first catalogue of Athenian peribolos tombs: 125-177.
  • Grossman, J. B. and J. Paul Getty Museum. (2001). Greek funerary sculpture : catalogue of the collections at the Getty Villa. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum.
  • Kubinska, J. (1968). Les monuments funéraires dans les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure. Warszawa.
  • Kubinska, J. (1999). Osthothèques et kaustrai dans les inscriptions grecques d’Asie Mineure. Warszawa, Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University.
  • McGowan, E. P. (1995). “Tomb marker and turning post : funerary columns in the Archaic period.” American Journal of Archaeology 99(4): 615-632.
  • Pfuhl, E. and H. Möbius (1977). Die ostgriechischen Grabreliefs i=iv. Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern.
  • Richter, G. M. A. (1961). The archaic gravestones of Attica. London, The Phaidon Press. (With an epigraphical appendix by M. Guarducci).
  • Small, D. B. (1995). Monuments, laws and analysis: combining archaeology and text in ancient Athens. Methods in the Mediterranean. Historical and archaeological views on texts and archaeology. D. B. Small, Leiden: 143-174.


  • Drew-Bear, T. (1980). “An act of foundation at Hypaipa.” Chiron 10: 509-536.
  • Laum, B. (1914). Stiftungen in der griechischen und römische Antike, ein Beitrag zur antike Kulturgeschichte. Leipzig.
  • Herrmann, P. and K. Z. Polatkan (1969). Das Testament des Epikrates und andere neue Inschriften aus dem Museum von Manisa. Wien, (SbWien phil.-histl Kl.: 265.1.
  • Jones, C. P. (1983). “A deed of foundation from the territory of Ephesos.” Journal of Roman Studies 73: 116-125.
  • Schmitt-Pantel, P. (1981). Évergétisme et mémoire du mort. À propos des fondations de banquets publics dans les cités grecques à l’époque hellénistique et romaine. La mort, les morts dans les sociétés anciennes. G. Gnoli and J.-P. Vernant. Paris/Cambridge: 177-188.


  • Bryce, T. B. (1981). “Disciplinary agents in the sepulchral inscriptions of Lycia.” Anatolian Studies 31: 81-94.
  • Strubbe, J. (1997). ΑΡΑΙ ΕΠΙΤΥΜΒΙΟΙ Imprecations against desecrators of the grave in the Greek epitaphs of Asia Minor. A catalogue. Bonn, Habelt.

State funerals:

  • Arrington, N. T. (2011). “Inscribing Defeat: The Commemorative Dynamics of the Athenian Casualty Lists.” Classical Antiquity 30(2): 179-212.
  • Arrington, N. T. (2015). Ashes, images, and memories : the presence of the war dead in fifth-century Athens. Oxford.
  • Bradeen, D. W. (1967). “The Athenian casualty list of 464 B.C.” Hesperia 36: 321-328.
  • Bradeen, D. W. (1968). “New fragments of the casualty lists.” Hesperia 37: 237-240.
  • Bradeen, D. W. (1969). “The Athenian casualty lists.” CQ 19: 145-159.
  • Bradeen, D. W. and D. M. Lewis (1979). “Notes on the Athenian casualty lists.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 34: 240-246.
  • Chiricat, É. (2005). Funérailles publiques et enterrement au gymnase à l’époque hellénistique. Citoyenneté et participation à la basse époque hellénistique, Droz: 207-223.
  • Clairmont, C. (1983). Patrios Nomos. public burials in Athens during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. The archaeological, epigraphic-literary and historiacal evidence. Oxford, BAR International series 161.