PHI – Seachable Greek Inscriptions
This is the biggest on-line collection of Greek inscriptions. You can search easily for Greek words, or for combinations of Greek words. You may also browse per region or city, or per corpus. NB In most cases this is straightforward, but for some 50 cities (notably in Asia Minor) it sticks to the numbering of an older electronic corpus of McCabe. Use the Claros concordance to pair the McCabe numbers with other corpora. Please note that there may be doublures!
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH)
The aim of the project Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH) is to integrate Latin inscriptions from all parts of the Roman Empire into an extensive database. Since 2004 Greek inscriptions from the same chronological timespan are also being entered. It consists of three databases the Epigraphic Text Database, the Epigraphic Bibliography and the Photographic Database. A geographical database is currently under construction (1/11/2013). It will be integrated in EAGLE Europeana (see below)
EDCS: Epigraphik Datenbank Clauss/Slaby
On this site you will find a database that records almost all Latin inscriptions. The texts are presented without abbreviations and completed where possible. The presentation of the texts is kept as simple as possible. Beside the commonly used indications for resolution, completions and erasures as few special characters as possible have been used.
In April 2013 EAGLE EUROPEANA was inaugurated. This will collect and catalogue in a single readily-searchable database Greek and Latin inscriptions from all over Europe. At this moment you can search the individual collections of which it is built. Apart from EDH it will offer access to: ARACHNE (which includes an open Access version of CIL; ARCHAIA KYPRIAKI GRAMMATEIA , which will be a selection of Cypriote inscriptions; the Epigraphic Database Roma, which contains inscriptions from Rome and Italy; the Epigraphic Database Bari which contains inscriptions commissioned by Christians; PETRAE which is an electronic collection, mainly from Gaul, and The Last Statues from Antiquity which is a searchable database of statuary and inscribed statue bases after 284 AD; Ubi Erat Lupa, which is an image database of Stone monuments, mainly form central and south-eastern Europe; and Hispania Epigraphica, which contains inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula.
Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG)
ICG consists of a digital collection of early Greek Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece dating from ca. II–VI CE.Each ICG entry features the original Greek text, a German or English translation, a concise critical apparatus and commentary, images (whenever available), as well as all the relevant information pertaining to dating, ancient and modern provenances, current location, and circumstances of discovery (whenever such information is known).