PA – Prosopographia Attica
The prosopographia Attica is a prosopographical resource on ancient Athens first compiled by Johannes Kirchner. It contains some 16,000 brief bibliographies (in Latin), up to the reign of Augustus. 2 volumes appeared in 1901 and 1903. In 1910 Johannes Sundwall compiled an supplement: Nachträge zur Prosopographia Attica. For a reference in WorldCat click here. The original volumes can be found here: vol I (A-K); vol II (Λ-Ω).
PAA – Persons of Ancient Athens.
A new Attic prosopography was compiled by John Traill: Persons of Ancient Athens, Toronto 1998-2012 which has more than 100,000 persons covered in 21 volumes. It includes men and women of ancient Athens up to the Byzantine period, including Athenian citizens at home and abroad, slaves, resident aliens, as well as foreigners honoured in Athens. For a WorldCat reference click here. A searchable website with part of the data as well as updates may be found here.
LGPN- Lexicon of Greek personal names
The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) is the most comprehensive database: it aims to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the 8th century B.C. down to the late Roman Empire. So far (d.d.28-08-20160) volumes I-Vb have been published, covering Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica (vol I); Attica (vol II and IIa); Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily, Magna Graecia (vol IIIa); Central Greece (vol IIIb); Macedonia (vol IV); Asia Minor: Pontus-Ionia (vol. Va); Asia Minor: Caria-Cilicia (vol. Vb).
Provides a semantic complement to thr LGPN database. The aim is to elucidate the meaning of Greek names. NB Works better on. a Chrome based browser.
Athenian Onomasticon (by S. Byrne)
This site contains additions to LGPN II i.e. persons from ancient Athens with bibliographical information, and a search facility.
This site aims to provide prosopographical information on athletes and performers in the ancient world.